All submitted abstracts must meet these requirements:
Be edited in one of the following languages: English, Italian or French.
Have the minimum length of 3,000 characters (space included) and up to maximum of 4,000 characters (space included).
Define the referring sub-topics
Provide clear proof of the selected sub-topics
Specify the typology of the future full paper, selecting among the following: Research Report, Project, Review, Short communication.
Be structured according to the following frame: Carried out Methodology; Obtained Results; Goals to achieve; Target of interest.
Contain adequate bibliographic references (from 5 to 15 units).
Contain information about the author/s: Name, Family name, Affiliation, address, e-mail, brief profile of maximum 500 characters (space included).
All submitted papers should:
Refer to the Mediterranean context.
Contain two versions: one written in English and another in the authors’ mother tongue
Support the Journal with a specific payment per each submitted paper. (IBAN: IT 28 Q 07601 03400 001013681893 / BIC/SWIFT: BPPIITRRXXX) [in particular the registration fee is meant of 350 € for SMC non collaborators; for SMC collaborators – SMC Association members, Referee committee members, Editorial Committee members and Scientific Committee members – the fee is instead of 250 €]. This fee includes both the submission and the editing.
Have the length up to 22,000 characters (space included) including the appendix and references (for each version in both the languages) [an extra cost for exceeding text is previewed: 40 € for each page of 2,000 characters (space included)].
Contain maximum 10 pictures (equipped with all the needed publication permissions).
Contain the following information: Title: max 80 characters (spaces included); Sub-title (optional): max 40 characters (spaces included); an Abstract of 1,000 characters (spaces included); n. 5 keywords.
Contain bibliographic disciplinary or cultural references (no less than 15 and no more than 20 units).
Guarantee that the English version should be suitable to a scientific text
Be edited according to the Model approved by SMC (Template), which could be downloaded by the authors from the SMC platform, after the eventual acceptance by the Referee Board.
In case of reviewers’ comments, demonstrate the adoption of the suggested revisions.