Sustainable Mediterranean Construction



Fabrizio Leccisi, Paola Francesca Nisticò

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In Salento the stones most frequently used for construction are called tuff , soft limestone of marine sedimentary origin, easy to work with hand tools, mannare (two bladed axe), and easily squared off in regular ashlars. The specific weight is 1.300-1.400 kg/m3, the maximum load varies from 16 to 23 MPa. For cladding and masonry carparo is also employed, yellow gold porous very durable tuff rock, weighing about 1.750 kg/m3 with a breaking load between 80 and 185 MPa .
The need to create connections between adjoining spaces trough load bearing walls built in short time and at low cost has fostered the development, over the centuries, of a refined constructive system still in use today, albeit rarely and with some innovation, to produce openings with the use of local materials. This system is now prohibited by law, which prescribes, for the openings in the walls of rooms, in addition to local strengthening, a lintel in c . a. or steel, able to withstand the tensile stresses .
The construction technique involves the use of common equipment and local materials.
The first step is to draw on the wall the opening to be cut, with flat or curved transoms, usually with a width between 1.50 m and 2.70 m. Having drawn the desired opening on the wall, a strip of plaster is removed to control the structure of the masonry, then the key points are draw, Z-shaped holes approximately 50 cm, if there is only one floor above, or 70-75 cm if there are two storeys, or if the transom of the opening is flat.
The keys are drawn starting from the center line of the future opening . If the opening has a flat transom 5 key points are defined at a distance of about 25 cm, distance that increases to 50 cm for arched openings , with a reduction in the number of keys to 3 for widths up to 1.50 m. Then the holes are made with a chain saw , which replaced the handsaw and filled with concrete.
Originally a perfectly chiseled carparo ashlar was used without any mortar. After 6-7 days the wall is cut with the chain saw along the horizontal line drawn above the transom. After 1 day we proceed with the two vertical cuts along the jambs and after 1-2 days, after confirmation of the absence of failures, the masonry is cut, horizontally and vertically again with the chainsaw.
To complete, patches of plaster, trimming, in the case of delaminated the segments of transom and jambs of the opening.


SMC N.01 2014


001_ COVER

003_VIEW Constructing for the De-Growth in the Mediterranean Region
Dora Francese




007_ Earth Architecture in Sardinia. Identity and Design
Antonello Sanna

012_ Mechanical Characterization of Some Roman Adobe Masonries at the Archaeological Site of Suasa
Stefano Lenci, Enrico Quagliarini

018_Mud Brick Architecture and the Case of Korestia Villages in Greece
Nafsika Exintaveloni, Athanassios Balasas, Fani Vavili

023_Earth Architecture in North of Portugal – Case Study From Vernacular to Contemporary
Paulo Mendonça

029_The Walls of Buildings in the Rural Area of Molise. A Bioclimatic Subsystem between Limestone, Brick and Raw Earth
Gigliola Ausiello, Domenico Fornaro

034_Recovering the Mediterranean Cultural Landscape with Rammed Earth
Dora Francese

040_A Possible Innovation in the Traditional Manufacturing of the Galeb Brick in Southern Tunisia
Fouad Ben Ali, Fabio Iucolano, Barbara Liguori, Domenico Caputo, Daniela Piscopo, Marina Fumo

044_Architecture of Earth and Shade
Flaviano Maria Lorusso

050 _ReHAb: a Project for Participative Retrofitting with Earth and Local Materials
Grégoire Paccoud, Roberto Pennacchio

055_Sustainable Development and New “Ancient Opportunities”: the Raw Earth
Maria Cristina Forlani, Luciana Mastrolonardo

063_Environmental Assessment of Products in Raw Earth
Patrizia Milano

070_The Earthen Architecture and Standard Requirements
Paola De Joanna

075_The Stabilization and the Thermal Resistance of the Rammed Earth
Luca Buoninconti

080_Adobe Bricks as a Structural Material. Perspective Applications to Vault
Maurizio Angelillo, Antonio Fortunato


086_Saint Mary’s Abbey and Saint Filadelfo’s Church (Italy). The Mediterranean Architecture
Màrcia Regina Escorteganha, Marina Fumo, Jacqueline Bayon, Essaid Bilal, Franciele Laner

090_Magna Grecia and Mediterraneo. The settlement of Akropolis
Rosa Maria Giusto

096_A Building Technique for Realization of Opening Bearing Walls of Salento
Fabrizio Leccisi, Paola Francesca Nisticò

100_Smart Heritage as Regeneration of Historic Mediterranean Cities
Starlight Vattano

105_City Mood. About (Cultural) State of the City Space
Marina Mihaila

108_Instruments for the Calculation of Energy Performance in Historical Buildings
Marta Calzolari, Pietromaria Davoli

115_Modeling for Project Design: Instruments for Sustainable and Integrated Design
Giacomo Chiesa, Orio De Paoli



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