The risk is the probability of adverse event occurring and it is assessed as a product of hazard, vulnerability and exposure. Scholars define “hazard” as the addition of statistical probabilities of an adverse event occurring and its magnitude. Therefore, greater serious effects are generated by the whole susceptibility of the territory that is damaged by the event in terms of physical, social and economical vulnerability [1]. Exposure, however, is related to the losses generated by the event and it is assessed by a range of measurable factors, which are determined by the number and the typologies of the elements at risk in the area. Expected losses, as well as the potential losses, are what the area could suffer if it is unable to protect the exposed elements [2].
In this framework, forest fire1 is a special risk typology generating potential loss scenarios by which direct losses tot up indirect ones, such as the damage of soil invested, that reduces its ecosystem performances and activates the chain risks arising from scenarios resulting from fire. The coastal areas of the Sorrentine Peninsula are heavily exposed to fire as resulting by the Land Registry of Forest Fires2. Despite fire is not completely predictable, vulnerability of this area can be assessed by considering both the Land Use Change (LUC) – with the abandonment of traditional agriculture – and the geological nature of the site (calcarenite hard soil) and its slant. These factors also represent a critical point in terms of “sensitivity” of the site, because of the nature of the soil could potentially trigger sliding risk.
The present study deals with a one year research project titled “Place-based Regeration Strategies and Participatory Processes”. The research has been carried out in the framework of the CNRIriss scientific mission and it is part of the preliminary study for a EU-LIFE project proposal on the topic of the increasing of territorial resilience in the Sorrentine Penisula coast. Starting from the analysis of both the coastal nature and the specific vulnerability features, the contribution pinpoints eco-cultural tourism as strategy to achieve the integrated management of the area, by the aim of increasing resilience, safeguard and conservation of costal landscape.
001_ COVER
003_VIEW_The Role of Fire in the Material Culture of Mediterranean Region
Dora Francese
017_From the Man Who Lives Around the “Fire” to the Source of Heat That Surrounds and Follows Him
Marta Calzolari, Pietromaria Davoli
024_Mitigating Climate Change and Fire Hazards Impact on Rural Cultural Heritage
Georgică Mitrache, Oana Anca Abălaru
029_Steam Power Plants in Greece: Overheating Coal for the Electricity Production
Georgia Cheirchanteri
033_Fire and Building. Use of Natural Materials: the Timber
Tullia F. Oliva
040_The Building and the Fire. An Exigential Method of Designing Fire Safety in Buildings
Bogdan Eugen Banica
043_Fire, Light and Shadows
Adriana Rossi
048_Portable Solar Heater
Matei Mitrache
052_Reducing Environmental Vulnerability: Fire Risk and Integrated Management in the Sorrentine Peninsula
Maria Cristina Vigo Majello
057_Planning Cities’ Adaptation to Climate Change. Application to Naples Metropolitan Area
Carlo Gerundo
065_From Waste to Secondary Raw Material: Going Towards a More Sustainable Architecture
Andrea Tartaglia, Benedetta Terenzi