Marina Fumo
015_Conference speaker | Editors of the conference proceedings
022_ The architecture of being: a “best practice” to regenerate the terraced landscape
Anna Pina Arcaro
034_Malacoccola and Sant’Elia, history and anthropology of a timeless terraced landscape
Giovanni Gugg
046_The problem of terracing in Italy: analysis of an operating procedure applied in Piedmont
Francesco Pernice
058_ Water architecture: notes on some material and cultural elements of the Amalfi coast landscape
Pietro Santoriello
070_The cultural value of the Amalfi coast terracing. A legacy of the past and opportunity for the future
Giorgia De Pasquale
082_Terraces: examples of conservation and innovation
Maria Paola Gatti
098_The terrace cultivation of the Amalfi coast in the territorial planning scheme of the Sorrento-Amalfi area between protection and sustainable development
Maria Parente
110_The value of the technological footprint on the territory in bio-cultural landscapes: the terraces of the Amalfi coast
Marica Merola
126_A future for old terraces. Opportunities and suggestions for the recovery of abandoned agricultural terraces of the Amalfi coast
Ferruccio Ferrigni
138_Protection of the terraced landscape between rural culture, climate resilience and biodiversity
Gigliola Ausiello, Luca Di Girolamo, Francesco Sommese
159_LIDAR-based approach for the management of terraced landscapes
Pierpaolo D’Agostino, Giuseppe Antuono, Tomàs E. MartìnezChao,Lia Maria Papa
171_The school construction sites and the recovery of the dry stone walling of the Amalfi coast – Pontinpietra from academic training to the art of the master builder
Gianfranca Mastroianni, Amelia Maris
183_Experimental tilting plane tests for the ultimate shear estimation of perforated dry joint masonry panels
Gabriele Milani, Antonio Formisano
202_The contribution provided by geology and geotechnical engineering in the restoration of terraces on Amalfi coast
Paolo Budetta, Giovanni Forte, Marianna Pirone, Antonio Santo, Marialaura Tartaglia, Gianfranco Urcioli
218_Potential use of alkali-activated materials in naturalistic engineering
Gigliola D’Angelo, Ilaria Capasso, Antonio Santo, Barbara Liguori
232_Terraces and dry stone walls: history of unbound stones. Respect for tradition and innovative design for unprecedented socio-environmental challenges
Giuseppe Trinchese
252_Towards the definition of guidelines for the recovery and enhancement of terraces
Veronica Vitiello, Roberto Castelluccio