The theme of the enhancement of terraced landscapes includes numerous technical and administrative factors that intersect geological, hydro-geological, geotechnical, material, architectural, landscape and natural skills. The convergence of all instances in a project solution requires the development of complex bureaucratic procedures for the granting of authorizations by each of the institutions involved in the management of the territory. To elaborate “new proposals” for the valorization of the terraces implies the elaboration of procedures clear and shared with all the involved Institutions.
The paper aims to identify the essential elements on which the development of guidelines for the recovery and enhancement of terraced landscapes can be structured.
The study analyses the structure of the documents adopted in some Italian territories and, subsequently, focuses on the elements necessary for the elaboration of new operational instruments.
Marina Fumo
015_Conference speaker | Editors of the conference proceedings
022_ The architecture of being: a “best practice” to regenerate the terraced landscape
Anna Pina Arcaro
034_Malacoccola and Sant’Elia, history and anthropology of a timeless terraced landscape
Giovanni Gugg
046_The problem of terracing in Italy: analysis of an operating procedure applied in Piedmont
Francesco Pernice
058_ Water architecture: notes on some material and cultural elements of the Amalfi coast landscape
Pietro Santoriello
070_The cultural value of the Amalfi coast terracing. A legacy of the past and opportunity for the future
Giorgia De Pasquale
082_Terraces: examples of conservation and innovation
Maria Paola Gatti
098_The terrace cultivation of the Amalfi coast in the territorial planning scheme of the Sorrento-Amalfi area between protection and sustainable development
Maria Parente
110_The value of the technological footprint on the territory in bio-cultural landscapes: the terraces of the Amalfi coast
Marica Merola
126_A future for old terraces. Opportunities and suggestions for the recovery of abandoned agricultural terraces of the Amalfi coast
Ferruccio Ferrigni
138_Protection of the terraced landscape between rural culture, climate resilience and biodiversity
Gigliola Ausiello, Luca Di Girolamo, Francesco Sommese
159_LIDAR-based approach for the management of terraced landscapes
Pierpaolo D’Agostino, Giuseppe Antuono, Tomàs E. MartìnezChao,Lia Maria Papa
171_The school construction sites and the recovery of the dry stone walling of the Amalfi coast – Pontinpietra from academic training to the art of the master builder
Gianfranca Mastroianni, Amelia Maris
183_Experimental tilting plane tests for the ultimate shear estimation of perforated dry joint masonry panels
Gabriele Milani, Antonio Formisano
202_The contribution provided by geology and geotechnical engineering in the restoration of terraces on Amalfi coast
Paolo Budetta, Giovanni Forte, Marianna Pirone, Antonio Santo, Marialaura Tartaglia, Gianfranco Urcioli
218_Potential use of alkali-activated materials in naturalistic engineering
Gigliola D’Angelo, Ilaria Capasso, Antonio Santo, Barbara Liguori
232_Terraces and dry stone walls: history of unbound stones. Respect for tradition and innovative design for unprecedented socio-environmental challenges
Giuseppe Trinchese
252_Towards the definition of guidelines for the recovery and enhancement of terraces
Veronica Vitiello, Roberto Castelluccio