Sustainable Mediterranean Construction



Viviana Del Naja

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Naples could be defined as a “postcard under glass”, which carries with it the image of a city unable to be felt at all, the scene of a social, functional, economic, cultural and environmental fracture. Each citizen brings in his heart a panoramic view of the coastline with its “treasures” which represent the background and backdrop element characterizing the Gulf: the sea. Posillipo buildings, castles, marine protected areas are part of the Neapolitan seafront, but at the same time are part of a “borderline” area that seems not to be linked to the rest of the City; these areas seem to be in the shadow for those people that are used to see the sea, but cannot live it for lack of activity and adequate services, that could connect the urban built area with the sea. The main reason is that there is not an adeguate information and that the lack of valorization given to the cultural, natural, archeological places causes an under development of Naples, which do not exploit its capabilities and potentialities. By setting oneself on the other side of the coastal line, and looking at the city from the sea, one would, today, require to rediscover the values that the Mediterranean offers, as an element able to linalool, connect, communicate, move, restore and enhance everything that today is seen and admired but not experienced and known for its history and its characters that have made the city of Naples one of the most beautiful in the world; not surprisingly, the succession of events, eras and dynasties, in Naples, have changed and characterized its urban stratigraphy, until today, with the ongoing construction, to have a sea-city relationship in which the two border lines , land and water, look each other’s but do not touch. The use of design strategies and design methodologies with specific interventions at zero impact through a bioclimatic approach, a study of the environmental parameters and a more extensive information may now restore the value, for long time missing, of this relationship. In several occasions, during the past few years, ideas and projects have been carried out forward for our Waterfront, as answer to Assignments, like that announced by Napolicreativa, La convivialità Urbana, or to International Workshops such as the “Identità Marittima per l’Interculturalità Urbana: Il Mare e la Città come Habitat di Pace” (Maritime Identity for the Urban Intercultural: the Sea and the City as Habitat for Peace) processed by the CNR; with the aim of expressing all this discomfort there were also artists like G. White and P. Valente with the work sutures (fig.1-2) made the physical requirement, the citizen, to live your own beach with the same ease with which it benefits from the mainland.1 In this article we want to emphasize that the sustainability of the proposals implemented in different cultural activities, may favor a full appreciation of this fantastic waterfront in Naples.


SMC N.02 2015


001_ COVER

003_VIEW Water and Mediterranean Construction: How to Build a Soft and Clean Future
Dora Francese



009_Water-scapes in Architectural Design Thinking – a Discussion on Water as Conceptual Cultural Sustainable Design Element
Marina Mihaila

014_ Variability of Groundwater Resources in the Cilento Region (Southern Italy)
Vincenzo Allocca, Pantalone De Vita, Ferdinando Manna

020_Rivers to Live by: The Economic, Social, Cultural Benefits of Rivers and the Role of Architecture in Its Enhancement
Fani Vavili, Sonia Gkounta

025_Patagonia. Water and Built Habitat
Liliana Lolich

030_The Khettaras: a Traditional Management System of the Moroccan Drylands
Khalid Rkha Chaham

033_The Water and Architectural Identity in Mediterranean Buildings
Nicolina Mastrangelo, Emanuela Adamo

038_ Leonardo and the Drawnings of Hydraulic Mines
Adriana Rossi, Luis Palmero, Armando Dinaro

044_“River Cities”: Urban Structure and Configurational Analysis
Angela Esposito

048_Analysis of the Architectural/Historic Heritage and Preventive Mitigation Actions Against Hydraulic Risks
Giorgio Giallocosta, Simona Lanza, Francesca Pirlone, Pietro Ugolini

055_Water Saving Assessment in Residential Buildings
Luca Buoninconti, Cristian Filagrossi Ambrosino

066_Water and Social Housing Architecture
Dora Francese

078_Rising Damp in Historical Buildings: Restoration Using the Charge Neutralization Technology (CNT) Domodry
Roberto Castelluccio, Michele Rossetto

089_Design for Hydrocitizens: Architectural Responses to the Defend-Retreat-Attack scenario
Graeme Evans

093_Urban Stormwater Drainage Management by Low Impact Development Practices
Maurizio Giugni, Francesco De Paola

099_Climate Changes, Adaptation, Construction
Adriano Paolella

103_The Quality Problem in Water Distribution Systems
Domenico Pianese, Carmine Covelli, Luigi Cimorelli, Andrea D’Aniello, Francesco Orlando

111_Innovative Water Concepts for the Resilience to Climate Change of East Naples: a Knowledge Transfer-based Design Approach Social Housing Architecture
Cristina Visconti

117_The Eco-friendly Wastewater Treatment at Mountain Refuges: a Short Overview of the Most Promising Technologies
Domenico Caputo, Daniela Piscopo

121_Water Form: Technologies by Nature
Rossella Siani

126_Sea City: the Waterfront of Naples
Viviana Del Naja


132_The Intercultural Seminar “The Sea as a Bridge between Energy Resources and Social Sharing of Land”, November the 27th, 2014

140_The International Seminar ”Recovering River Landscapes”, September the 28th-30th, 2015

141_The Bio-Architecture Workshops of INBAR Sicily: Light, Earth, Water,…, December the 18th-19th, 2015


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