Studies about reusing waste materials in architecture have produced in recent times unexpected and very original results.
Anyway, this is still an unexplored field, that could be prosperous in certain geographical contexts and economic conditions or limited to few experiences of experimentation in others. In both these contexts, the limits for the spread of building systems that reuses waste products are basically two: the first one belongs to the cultural sphere, the tradition and the difficulty of accepting ways of building and living radically alternative (unless they’re not limited to academic experiences, temporary uses, or in any case, when they don’t interfere with traditional living); the second one includes the absence of specific regulations and the need for certification of building components. It follows that structures built with waste will be very different, depending on the environment inclination to experimenting in this field. Temporary shelters, pavilions, installations, experimental prototypes, street furniture and equipment for parks are common examples wich testify the success of the reuse of waste almost everywhere, but just in few cases and few countries it is possible to see examples of efficient waste architetture (not temporary), such as residences, offices, restaurants, places of workship, sometimes built simply adding natural materials, typical of the geographical context (like earth, straw, bamboo), to waste.
And since building, among the industrial activities, is the first for environmental impact, consumption of resources and territory, pollution and waste generation, it is also our task and our responsability, as architects, to take, where possible, new ways of investigation and experimentation on the theme of reuse.
The contribution analyzes the different approaches to this theme and the resulting currents of reuse in architecture, distinguished in: reuse for emergency, reuse for ecological sensitivity, reuse for creativity.
001_ COVER
003_ VIEW_Matter: Science and Technology for Habitat
Dora Francese
017_ INDEX
018_ Iron and Steel: the Industrial Revolution New Materials as a Game Changer in Architecture’s Evolution
Georgia Cheirchanteri
025_Earth-Shelterd Dwellings in South Tunisia: Troglodytic caves of Sened Jebel
Fouad Ben Ali
030_On Applications of Thrust Lines to Simply-supported No-tension Panels
Enrico Babilio, Luca Buoninconti
036_Insulation, Building Mass and Airflows – Provisional and Multi-variable Analysis
Giacomo Chiesa, Mario Grosso, Andrea Acquaviva, Badiaa Makhlouf, Alice Tumiatti
041_Materials and Finishes in Mediterranean Healthcare Facilities
Artemis Kyrkou, Fani Vavili
047_Mathematical Models for Atypical Terracotta Infill Walls
Adriana Rossi, Umberto Palmieri
052_Material Identity Harmony Perception. New Solutions for Eco-oriented Building
Giuseppe Vaccaro
058_Living, Building, Recycling
Gigliola Ausiello, Enza Santoro
064_Resource Matter Material. Reuse as a Technical Option for Sustainable Design
Paola Altamura, Serena Baiani
071_Recovery and Re-use of Building Materials and Components in Architecture
Tiziana Firrone
078_A Semiotic Framework to Support Sustainable Design Inside Mediterranean Cities
Massimiliano Condotta
085_Bio-composite Materials in Architecture. An Hypothesis for an Indoor Vertical Partition power system
Claudia Balestra
086_Functional Refurbishment with Architectural Membranes
M. Rachel F. Macieira
087_Variability of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Materials Affected by Humidity.
Veronica Vitiello
088_ Building in Mediterranean Region. Sustainable Technologies and Materials for Inhabiting. Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia
Paola De Joanna, Fani Vavili-Tsinika, Giancarlo Priori