Sustainable Mediterranean Construction



Dora Francese

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Rachel Carson’s evocative words narrate us that man and nature can live jointly in harmony. The need of providing health is no longer an option, it has more than ever become a mandatory requirement for any action aimed at environmental transformation. The role the construction plays within the distribution – on land – of health conditions for humans and environment is a concept at the base of any sustainable goal that modern society should achieve. The focus on the importance of physical, psychological and social health within construction will be the main subject of these notes. From the idea of rescuing not only the Planet but mainly the environment’s and man’s health, a lot of initiatives were always born all around the world. The Environmental issues started in the XVII century after the great aggressive actions made up by the colonists in the new Ameri can Continent, thanks to the studies of a number of scientists and writers who were worried for all the wonderful landscapes which were at hazard of a whole destruction2. During the 60-70s, a number of approaches developed around the world3 aimed at promoting and enhancing the strong interaction between construction and climate, already undertaken ideas by some architects in the ancient times, such as “… Vitruvius [who], drawing on earlier work, discusses the concept together with its necessary counterpart – the elements from which the shelter is required – the climate.”4 And finally “…these new orientations … reached a climatic expression immediately after the Arab-Israel conflict of October 1973, with the consequent reappraisal, throughout the world, of the availability and uses of globe’s fossil fuel reserves.”5 Following this energy question, more other topics raised the attention of scientists and population, as well as that of architects, engineers and designers. But what really turned the environmental emergency around, so as to create the contemporary approach to the knowledge as well as solut ions, was the famous book of Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, without which, “… the environmental movement might have been long delayed or never have developed at all.”6


SMC N.11 2020



005_ VIEW_Sustainable construction, social health and Sustainable Development Goals
Dora Francese



020_ Agenda 2030’s goal: cultural heritage the key to sustainable cities
Georgia Cheircantieri

025_Cultural landscapes and Sustainable development: the role of ecomuseums
Raffaella Riva

030_ Rehabilitation and upgrading of the Medina of Marrakech, a major heritage project
K. Rkha Chaham, A. Khiara

035_ The regeneration of public heritage estate in Campania: an assessment approach
Saverio D’Auria, Lorenzo Diana

041_ Reusing resources and recycling spaces for landscape entitlement
Giuseppe Vaccaro

048_ Creating a form language for Sorrento gardens
A. Sabo A, H.M. Desai, L.M.V. Rodriguez, A. Jančar, M.N. Le Roux, B.D. Mock, S. Moein Jaharomi, Y. Rofè

053_ Living with water: the role of Technology
Ilaria Oberti, Chiara Nevioni, Simone Pagani

058_ Influence of occupants’ behaviour on energy use in buildings. Field survey case study
Rosa Agliata, Roberto Macchiaroli, Luigi Mollo

064_ Strata variations. Sustainable Architecture for the promotion of landscape heritage
Foivos Geralis

070_ Urban design and climate mutation of Mediterranean areas. Learning from hot regions
Antonio Basti, Michele Manigrasso, Maria Capuozzo

076_ Climate action and SDGS’ attainment: insulation materials’ impacts assessment
Sarah GadAllah, Mohsen Aboulnaga

081_ Piezoelectric flooring and public space
Maria Cristina Vigo Majello

087_ Reuse of architectural elements: shaping urban sustainability
Massimiliano Condotta, Elisa Zatta

093_ Demolition or renovation? A controversial case in Pozzuoli
Gigliola D’Angelo, Marina Fumo

099_ The use of recycled materials for sustainable construction systems
Agostino Catalano

105_ Strategies and design tools for smart residential interventions for the elderly
Anna Mangiatordi

111_ Automated design process for cost-effective sustainable Architecture. A performance based approach
Pierpaolo D’Agostino, Federico Minelli

117_ Energy performances analysis in extreme climate change scenarios through BIM simulations
Federico Orsini, Giorgio Mazzocchi, Daniele Spadazzi

122_ Crafts in the Mediterranean area: cultural values and employment opportunities
Maria Canepa, Adriano Magliocco

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